You may ask what has this Table of beautiful flowers got to do with Occupational Therapy?
Well having worked in a psychiatric unit in Tamil Nadu South India I observed all manner of
improvised techniques to create therapeutic tools especially using Nature and the Environment.
This work was undertaken by a group of patients who used the flower and fauna in the vicinity they
lived to create a geometrical shape; so what? you may say.
But think about it; when the mind is torn apart and in conflict or self sabotage something is out of
a state of natural pattern or rhymmn. Everything in nature has a pattern whether it be sound, visual;
shells, structure of flowers, trees and when everything is working from its own order it's in harmony
with itself and the greater connection to everything else in the universe.
When patients put this design together on the table psychologically its restoring some kind of pattern,
a shape or a rhhymn within themselves.
When the pattern and synchronisation happens within then its expressed on the outside. so this
therapeutic work has allowed people to connect internally where patterns may have become adhoc.
Often when people feel out of synch with the world there is a misalignment with how they feel inside
and what shows up on the outside. This therapeutic work allowed the patients to create a geometry of
a kind that allowed them to feel complete, a part of something bigger.
Dr Emoto's Geometrical Snowflakes - patterns are everywhere in Nature and in the Human Form and
in the Mind; so, when they are fragemented and dispersed there is a non connection within.
That is why all therapies when they incorporate returning to patterns that flow, create, and support
people express a congruence with the creativity and a healing.
Look around you and see where the patterns are and then look within and look at your own; all beautiful, colourful and vibrant!
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